Distributed solar
Power Everywhere, Empowering Everyone.
The distributed solar division at Yuvraj Energy Solutions focuses on the decentralized deployment of solar PV power for 0n-grid and off-grid applications.
Rooftop solar installations are quick, easy and cost-effective solutions for solar power generation and contribute to reducing carbon footprint. YES provides design, engineering, procurement and construction of Rooftop solar PV plants from a few kW to Mw scale. With the capability for both stand-alone and grid-connected solar PV power plants, YES has commissioned close to 1 Mw of solar rooftops till date. We have experience in all types of roofs from RCC to slanted metal sheets.
An off-grid system operates independently from the traditional power grid, relying on batteries to balance energy production and demand. Solar panels generate electricity based on sunlight, storing excess energy in batteries for later use. During low production periods, the stored energy meets the demand. To ensure reliability, additional batteries or an electric generator can be included, providing backup during prolonged low production or high demand.

Grid-tie systems, also known as grid-interactive systems, work in parallel with the utility grid to reduce energy costs. During the day, solar panels generate electricity, offsetting the amount drawn from the grid. Any surplus energy produced is sent back to the utility, which may reverse your electric meter, further lowering your monthly bill. At night or during cloudy weather, all power is supplied by the grid. These systems are the most common, cost-effective, and straightforward to install. However, they do not provide backup power during utility outages, even if the solar panels are generating electricity.